Levit M, Levit L. The silent impact of COVID-19 on dental care for hearing-impaired patients. J Am Dent Assoc 2021; DOI: 10.1016/j.adaj.2021.07.012.

Full PPE distorts sound and hides facial expression

The increased use of personal protective equipment (PPE) during the COVID-19 pandemic by dental healthcare professionals has been challenging for all but particularly the hearing impaired. PPE blocks facial expression and adversely impacts speech intelligibility. Social distancing may also disrupt communication. The inability to be accompanied, for the severely hearing impaired, is problematic.

The authors suggest: 1) asking the patient if they have any hearing difficulties and if they have a preferred ear; 2) looking carefully for any hearing aids, remembering that they may be very small and transparent; 3) if instructions need to be clarified, using written communication on a board or tablet; 4) appointments should be followed up by text message or phone call to check that all has been understood (mobile phones have poorer sound quality than landlines); 5) speaking slowly and clearly is preferable to shouting, enunciating consonants clearly as these tend to be distorted by masks; and 6) patients may not ask for a repetition as they will not wish to be a burden, so actively listen and watch for responses (or lack thereof).