Campus G, Diaz Betancourt M, Cagetti M G. The COVID-19 pandemic and its global effects on dental practice. An international survey. J Dent 2021; DOI: 10.1016/j.jdent.2021.103749. Online ahead of print.

The reported rates of COVID-19 for dental professionals were not significantly different to those reported for the general population.

A multi-centre survey was designed to evaluate the impact of COVID-19 outbreak on dental practice across 36 countries, and estimate COVID-19- related symptoms/signs, work attitudes and behaviour, and the routine use of protective measures and personal protective equipment (PPE). Countries' data were grouped by the country positive rate (CPR) during the survey period. A total of 52,491 questionnaires were returned. Out of the total respondents, 15% reported symptoms/signs compatible with COVID-19. More than half of the sample stated to use FFP2/N95 masks, while 42% used eye protection. CPR and FFP2/N95 were significantly associated, while Gross National Income was not statistically associated with CPR. Oral health service provision has not been significantly affected by COVID-19, although access to routine dental care was reduced due to country-specific temporary lockdown periods. While the dental profession has been identified at high risk, the reported rates of COVID-19 for dental professionals were not significantly different to those reported for the general population in each country.