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Laetitia Brocklebank, formerly Clinical Senior Lecturer and Honorary Consultant in Oral Radiology at the University of Glasgow, died unexpectedly at her home in Edinburgh on 4 December 2020.

Laetitia was born on 9 June 1952 in Bromley, Kent, the second child of John and Jane Finlay, both of whom were Scottish. The wider family included several dentists and, after early thoughts of a career in medicine, she studied Dentistry at Guy's Hospital, graduating in 1975. She subsequently undertook a MSc in Dental Radiology, a choice that had enormous influence on her life and career. Soon afterwards, Laetitia met Malcolm Brocklebank, marrying in 1980.

In 1981, Laetitia moved to Hong Kong to lead the Radiology Department in the new Prince Philip Dental Hospital. She was one of the first to obtain the Diploma of Dental Radiology of the Royal College of Radiologists in 1988. She returned to the UK in 1989 to take up a post at Edinburgh Dental School, but soon moved to the equivalent position at the University of Glasgow. She is recalled by past students for her clear and measured lecturing style. She was a mentor for many staff and students. Her textbook Dental radiology: understanding the dental image was published in 1981. She expanded the video fluoroscopy service and, more recently, introduced CBCT to the hospital. Laetitia 'officially' retired in 2015, returning about 10 months later on a part-time basis and continuing until July 2020, when she was appointed as Honorary Senior Research Fellow.

Laetitia served as President of the British Society of Dental and Maxillofacial Radiology (1997-1999), and President of the Royal Odonto-Chirurgical Society of Scotland (2003-2004). She was an enthusiastic supporter of the IADMFR, hosting their 2001 Congress in Glasgow, and was closely involved in developing the European Academy of DentoMaxilloFacial Radiology.

Over the last 20 years, Laetitia developed a relationship with a new partner, Professor Paul van der Stelt. They spent as much time as they could with each other, shuttling between Edinburgh and Amsterdam and travelling widely for pleasure and as part of their professional lives. She was well known in Edinburgh for organising musical evenings with fine dining. She loved her family and was always delighted to spend time with her nephews. Laetitia was a keen cyclist, participating in many events with 'The Pedalling Profs' from Glasgow and Newcastle Dental Schools, and also cycling to raise funds for Retina UK. All who knew her will miss her kindness, vivacity and good humour. Our condolences go to her partner Paul, her sister, her brother, her nephews and her many close friends.

Keith Horner