Miranda Steeples explores the vital role of the BSDHT's regional groups.

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You hardly need me to tell you that dental care is ever evolving, and with that comes the need for continuous learning and a strong sense of community among dental professionals.

This is precisely where the British Society of Dental Hygiene and Therapy (BSDHT) plays an indispensable role for dental hygienists and dental therapists across the UK.

Having a network of 12 regional groups, the BSDHT champions the cause of not just knowledge sharing but also peer support, ensuring that we are never truly alone on our journey.

Study days

Central to the BSDHT's offering is the organisation of local study days. These aren't merely educational sessions but are also dynamic platforms that integrate learning with networking.

Attendees can look forward to high-quality presentations that address the latest in dental care, enabling dental hygienists and dental therapists to stay ahead of the curve, in turn ensuring that they are in a position to deliver the best possible care to patients.

But it's not just about the science and technique. As the saying goes, ‘It's always about the people'.

We pride ourselves on the fact that the BSDHT's study days provide an opportunity for attendees to reunite with old friends and make new connections.

Indeed, in challenging times, the value of human connection cannot be overstated. Seeing familiar faces, sharing experiences, and discussing recent developments can do wonders for morale, and can help prevent feelings of isolation that can sometimes be felt within the profession.

Everyone is welcome

One of the standout features of BSDHT's regional groups is their inclusive nature.

Even if you haven't taken the leap to become a member yet, you're not left out. You are welcome to choose a study day that aligns with your professional goals and book a space, even if you don't live or work in that region!

From knowledge to connections, from support to opportunities, it's an all-inclusive network designed with one goal in mind: to help every dental hygienist and dental therapist in the UK to achieve their professional goals and find a happy work-life balance

What's more, no matter where you are in your career, whether you're well established or just starting out, the regional groups have something to offer.

From knowledge to connections, from support to opportunities, it's an all-inclusive network designed with one goal in mind: to help every dental hygienist and dental therapist in the UK to achieve their professional goals and find a happy work-life balance.

Refresh and refine

To offer further insight into the sort of subjects we cover at the regional groups, one of our newest offerings is ‘Refresh and Refine'.

The course comprises a blended learning approach: online education for the theoretical background knowledge initially, then you are invited to join face to face with our experienced educators to help you apply and refine those refreshed skills in a hands-on practical session.

As fellow dental hygienists and dental therapists, we at BSDHT understand the mixed emotions the recent updates in the field may evoke. These advancements, while promising, can also present challenges.

Our initiative aims to offer colleagues the chance to revisit and hone skills that might have fallen by the wayside over time. This renewed proficiency ensures that dental professionals can operate confidently in a broader capacity, within their scope of practice.

This kind of empowerment not only facilitates the best use of skill mix in the dental practice, but also helps to open up access to care for patients. A considered approach will ensure patients are treated by the best-suited member of the dental team, simultaneously offering dental hygienists and dental therapists new career opportunities.

We plan to continue with more events, in other areas of the country, implementing different formats and covering a variety of topics and skills to learn and develop that can be put into practice with patients straight away. If you have any ideas about topics or locations, do get in touch!

Connecting with the industry

Of course, learning with and from other dental professionals is not all that is necessary to stay ahead of the curve.

These study days also serve as a means by which to connect with carefully selected exhibiting dental companies.

They offer a great opportunity to get first-hand information about the latest products and services in the dental sector, in a pressure-free environment. This ensures that every interaction is genuine, focused on knowledge, and beneficial for all parties involved.

eCPD proof

In addition, every participant is awarded a ‘Certificate of Attendance' by the BSDHT, supporting the fact that the highest standard of scientific and /or clinical content will have been discussed.

This certificate can be added to your eCPD activity log, to be shown to the General Dental Council (GDC) when the time comes to provide evidence of your continuing learning efforts.

It's your community

Within the BSDHT community, everyone is welcome. With that in mind, to explore these opportunities further, simply visit https://www.bsdht.org.uk/regional-groups/ and navigate to your chosen geographical area.

We look forward to welcoming you to a regional group in the not-too-distant future!