An online webinar, 'Oral Cancer Update' is being hosted by the Orthodontic National Group (ONG) on 16 November 2023 from 7-9 pm. The enlightening webinar will feature Dr Zahid Khan, a renowned Specialist in Oral Medicine. This webinar is designed to provide a comprehensive update on oral cancer, covering various aspects from symptoms and risk factors to the referral process and team approach in managing oral cancer cases.

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The objectives of the webinar are:

  • To improve understanding of variations in signs and symptoms of oral cancer

  • To increase awareness of the risk factors for oral cancer

  • How to refer patients with suspicions for oral malignancy

  • To understand the team approach in patients with oral cancer

  • To give an overview of potentially malignant disorders.

The cost to attend the webinar for ONG and British Association of Dental Nurses (BADN) members is £25; for non-members the cost is £30. To book, visit