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figure 1

Article: Analysis of types and language used in online information available to patients with periodontitis

1. Individual perceptions of issues are key elements in behaviour change theories used in public health. Which is not one of them?

A. susceptibility

B. ability to implement change

C. self-image

D. disease seriousness

2. Where did practice websites appear in the search results?

A. most in the first 20 hits

B. early in the search results

C. later in the search results

D. none in the first 30 hits

3. In general, what was found in terms of the frequency and significance of adjectives?

A. the most negative were higher overall than the more positive descriptors

B. positives were far more frequent than negatives

C. both positives and negatives were equally represented

D. none of them effectively described periodontal disease

4. This research demonstrated internet searches for information about gum disease may expose the searcher to information which:

A. focusses to a greater extent on the more severe symptoms of the condition

B. uses lay terms reflecting a less aggressive terminology

C. emphasises more victim-blaming clinical terminology

D. leads to patient confusion

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