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Article: First trimester miscarriage: patient care considerations for the dental team

1. Which is true of first trimester miscarriage? It:

A. is more correctly defined as intrauterine death

B. occurs in approximately one in 250 births in the UK

C. occurs in between 6.4% and 12.0% of pregnancies

D. accounts for 20% of pregnancy loss

2. Which of the following NHS situations applies to a woman who has experienced a loss of pregnancy?

A. continuation of free treatment to the estimated date of the full-term birth

B. immediate ceasing of all free treatment entitlement

C. any treatment started before the miscarriage will be received for free

D. free treatment entitlement for two years from the date of the miscarriage

3. When speaking to a patient who has experienced a miscarriage:

A. a useful phrase could be: 'That is awful, I am so sorry to hear that'

B. try to cheer the patient up

C. use the professional terminology 'pregnancy loss'

D. provide as much reassurance as possible

4. Which circumstance elicits the lesser emotional sense of grief?

A. miscarriage

B. stillbirth

C. intrauterine death

D. there is no significant difference

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