Dental Decontamination is working with Orion Eco Solutions Limited to offer Pathogen Free Air Units (PFAUs).

Dental Decontamination's PFAUs are a range of machines designed specifically to sterilise the air you breathe. This technology is recognised and used extensively in aircraft manufacture, the marine sector, and MOD.

The machine does not simply 'purify' the air, as most standard machines do. Instead, it sterilises the air to an unprecedented log10 status. It kills all airborne bacteria and destroys viruses, including the common cold, human flu, MRSA and enveloped viruses.

These systems will give both clients and employees the total peace of mind that their workplace is a safe and sterile environment.

Laboratory tests show that whereas the market leading conventional air purifier took two-and-half days to clean the air in a room, PFAUs took seven-and-half minutes. To the delight of the testing team, as well as being hugely more effective than conventional air filtration systems, the PFAU was also found to be the only one which, as well as removing unpleasant odours and particles from the air, actually destroyed air-borne bacteria and microorganisms.

figure 1

PFAUs have been found to be 360 times more effective than standard air purifiers.

The PFAUs can achieve reduction in fallow time by totally changing the air a minimum of 12 times per hour.

The PFAU machines are also recognised to improve asthma, hay fever and other respiratory conditions and can even reduce snoring, alongside, removing odours such as smoke, pet, and damp.

For more information call 01253 736 355 or email .