Dental health startup Floe Oral Care has launched the UK's first 100% circular and eco-friendly subscription box. Every 12 weeks, the Floe subscription service delivers all the resources to maintain good oral health, without adding to the environmental crisis. The package includes:

  • Two recyclable sugarcane based tubes of scientifically formulated toothpastes for different times of the day: whiten by DAWN and strengthened by DUSK

  • Ultra-soft Swiss recyclable toothbrush with kind to gums bristles

  • Biodegradable floss made from bamboo charcoal fibres

  • A free returns label enabling customers to send all used products back to Floe to be turned into new ones.

Floe Oral Care's flagship sustainable innovation will allow consumers to automate a routine that takes better care of not only their own health but also that of the planet. This will enable customers to build the foundations of an oral care programme that takes a proactive, long term approach to their general wellbeing, whilst also addressing the environmental impact of the dental industry.

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Floe Oral Care's strategic ambition is to broaden its reach to act as a digital platform connecting patients to dental clinics, as well as tracking and improving a broad range of health indicators through product innovation and behavioural change.

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