Hygopac View, from Dürr Dental, is an intelligent rotary sealing device which ensures instruments can be reliably packaged, stored and validated in sterile conditions. Obviously, there is no room for error when it comes to reprocessing instruments that have come into contact with patients' skin, mucous membranes or blood. Every step in the packaging process must be tested, but also simple to operate, bearing in mind the repetitive nature of such a task. Hygopac View has an intuitive touch display, which takes the operator through the step-by-step process, providing the necessary validation once completed. The sealing temperature, contact pressure and sealing speed are continuously recorded, checked and saved to an SD card or to the network via the VistaSoft Monitor software. This allows effortless processing of the data for documentation within a quality management system. In the event of a practice inspection, the information is available immediately.

As well as offering great flexibility and reliability in terms of process documentation, HygoPac View also boasts an exceptionally efficient design, which is a bonus as it's often used in areas that have limited space.

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