Pedro Diz Dios and Navdeep Kumar

2022; John Wiley & Sons

573 pages

eISBN 9781119600053

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This book covers the treatment of dental patients with disabilities or those who are medically compromised. A Practical Approach to Special Care in Dentistry delivers an overview of special care dentistry reflecting the most common compromised clinical conditions you will encounter in practice. Using a problem-based learning approach to more than 50 topics based on real-world clinical cases, the authors help the reader to apply knowledge in a clinical case context. Each chapter contains a case report establishing the main risk factors, followed by a practical set of adaptations to minimise potential complications for their patient. The book includes an introduction to patients with disabilities, including physical disabilities like cerebral palsy and epilepsy, and cognitive impairments. It also explores the treatment of medically compromised patients such as those with infectious diseases, endocrine diseases, hepatorenal disease, and cardiovascular disease. Discussions of other special patient situations, like those with allergies, antiresorptive and antiangiogenic drugs, terminal patients, underhoused patients, and pregnant or breastfeeding patients are also featured.