Nitignya Navadgi has won the Undergraduate Poster Prize at this year's BSPD Scientific Conference.

Nitignya, from Cardiff University, was awarded the prize for her poster on 'Increasing knowledge on the immediate management of dental traumatic injuries in children.'

Rights of the child was the key theme for this year's BSPD Annual Scientific Conference, held at Cutler's Hall, Sheffield between 15-16 September. Nitignya said: 'It was a great opportunity to work on this project and gave an insight into how it may be possible to improve public awareness about managing dental traumatic injuries in children.'

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Dr Chris Vernazza, Editor, BSPD and part of the judging panel said: 'The judges of the prizes and posters this year had a particularly tough job since the quality and range of the entries was striking. We are so delighted that the winners' list showcases such a broad range of topics - but each keeps the wellbeing of the child front and centre. Paediatric dentistry must focus on the training of professionals, promoting preventative approaches and enabling the swift treatment of children - whilst always keeping their overall wellbeing in mind. We felt that each of our winners showed creativity and thoroughness in their work in their specialist topics.'