Brook Blicher, Rebekah Lucier Pryles, and Jarshen Lin

2022; Quintessence Publishing

354 pages

eISBN 9781647241537

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The first edition of this book - known as the 'Orange Book' - was published in 2016. It provided readers with a comprehensive evidence-based guide to the field of endodontics. Since then, there have been significant developments in endodontics. The literature has grown, evidence-based standards continue to evolve, and practitioners have adapted their clinical practice accordingly. This study guide has been extensively updated based on new peer-reviewed journal articles, position statements, and guidelines, and revisions are reflected in the current treatment protocols for pulpal and periapical diseases as well as traumatic dental injuries, cracked and fractured teeth, and resorptive dental injuries. Each of the thirteen chapters is fully referenced with a comprehensive bibliography of the scientific literature.