Racing towards the calling hospital.

In the back of the ambulance

the dozing young nurse

brushed by a beam of blue light.

No more talk of girls, of football, at last the driver falls silent.

Only the sound of the rumbling engine

and the rolling tires.

The long highway ahead

snaking forward into the rainy darkness

headlights illuminating

glistening strips of asphalt

quickly slipping away

beneath us.

Time to think, a chain of thoughts.

Thousands of transport mission memories surface.

So many tiny newborns

at the dawn of love

in need of care

trapped inside a high-tech incubator

kidnapped for the first daring trip

of a just-blossomed life.

So many frightened mothers

orphans fearful of losing their new love

sobbing tears and deferent thanks

for help not yet given.

So many anguish-filled miles and nights

fragrant food

the once fearless rookie


now an aging maverick survivor

not yet weakened or worn out indeed.

The blues spring up

invading a brave heart.

A gaping fence opens up

for the last rodeo.

My cool transport life

is winding down.