Correction to: Oncogene, published online 20 June 2011

The editors have retracted this article. Concerns were raised regarding a number of figures, specifically:

In Fig. 3A, the MCF 7 IGF-1R blot lanes 2 and 3 appear highly similar.

In Fig. 3B, yhe MCF 7 IGF-1R blot lanes 4 and 5 appear highly similar.

The MCF 7 ERK western blot lanes 1-5 in Fig. 3B appear highly similar to those in Fig. 3C.

The MCF 7 ERK blots in Fig. 3D (left and right) appear highly similar to those in Fig. 5C (left, lanes 4-8 and right, lanes 7-12).

In Fig. 4C, the R+ IGF-1R blots in the –PI and +PI groups, as well as those in the bottom right panel, appear highly similar.

In a number of western blot images, bands were removed to avoid sample duplication or in order to rearrange the grouping.

The authors have provided some of the original data from this study to address these concerns. However, due to a large number of issues, the editors no longer has confidence in the reliability of the data reported in the article.

A Girnita, M Ståhle, A Grönberg and L Girnita do not agree to this retraction. H Zheng has ­not responded to correspondence regarding this retraction.