Over the past 8 years there has been a huge shift in electronic support for publishing, and in the hands of the current Editors, we have seen a dramatic improvement and evolution of the performance of Pediatric Research. We have shortened the review time markedly and broadened the editorial base with an impressive international team of Associate Editors chosen for their particular expertise in specific fields of research allied to pediatrics. We have also introduced early on-line access to manuscripts, further reducing the time before important research data can reach the public domain. The division of articles into Basic Science, Translational and Clinical Research has helped to expand the excellent article base. The annual Review Issues have been highly successful and this year's issue on Infections and Immunity is no exception. Over the past few years, we believe that Pediatric Research has evolved into a high-quality publication relevant to all scientists working in a broad range of research focused in development and around children making it “fit for the future.” We congratulate Drs. Devaskar and Hüppi in their great success in leading this forward and thank their wonderfully committed Board for their contributions to this success.

However, all good things come to an end, and their terms as Editor-in-Chief and European Chief Editor, respectively, are coming to a close. The organizational aspects of Pediatric Research, including the appointment of the Editorial Board, are managed by the International Pediatric Research Foundation (IPRF), on behalf of the three academic societies, for whom this Journal is the official publication. On behalf of the IPRF, we would like to announce our intention to advertise for a new Editorial Board and outline the process that we envisage.

The new Pediatric Research Board will be appointed as a single entity, rather than the separate North American and European groupings as now, under the leadership of a single Editor-in-Chief. This individual will work closely with an Associate Editor-in-Chief of their choosing, and we would expect this pairing to reflect the international and, particularly, transatlantic flavor of the IPRF and Pediatric Research. The proposals we will be seeking will also include the Editorial Board, which will comprise as now individuals chosen for their breadth of scientific experience rather than geographic location. This Editorial Team will have the privilege of working with our excellent Managing Editor, Susan Tsujimoto, based at the Woodlands office.

We hope to advertise formally for a new Editor-in-Chief and Board in the fall, but we felt it was important to announce our intentions early to allow time for individuals and teams to consider how to respond. We would hopefully be able to announce the new Team in May 2010 and that they would assume their new roles in January 2011. Either of the current Editors, Drs. Devaskar and Hüppi, or ourselves would be delighted to field any queries or questions that potential applicants may have. Questions regarding the position or application process may be directed to the Pediatric Research Editorial Office at info@pedres.org.