Abstract 1356 Poster Session II, Sunday, 5/2 (poster 78)

We have studied for 18months in a prospective, randomized, double blind manner term neonates affectced of moderate asphyxia (Apgar score 3-6 at 1st minute) that were resuscitated either with room air or oxygen. Cord blood, 12 hrs postnatal life venous blood and 7th day venous blood was drawn for biochemical determinations. GSH, GSSG, Glutathione Peroxidase, Glutathione Reductase, SOD, Catalase and Total Antioxidant capacity were determined, as well as routine parameters such as: ALT, AST, LDH, blood gases, electrolites etc. A control group of neonates without asphyxia was concomitantly studied. Our results showed a significant oxidative stress affecting babies resuscitated with oxygen in comparison with those with room air. Moreover, at one week of age biochemical differences persisted. Damage profile parameters (such as oxidative derivatives of DNA in urine) were significantly higher in the oxygen resuscitated group. We conclude that in moderate asphyxia resuscitation with 100% oxygen can pose an additional threat and increasingly room air should be introduced as a standard resuscitating procedure in the delivery rooms.

These abstract has not been founded by any private enterprise.