Abstract 226

The frequency of allergic diseases increased worldwide over the past few decades. In developed countries they are among the most common chronic diseases. The entire population can be affected up to the 15-30%. In Hungary the prevalence of asthma calculated by questionaries is between 1,9 and 6% among children. The aim of the present study was to recognise early symptoms in order to prevent allergic diseases not just the treatment of the symptoms. We performed screening tests on 1007 children in 1996, in four different towns, in one school in each. The environment of the children was carefully recorded focusing on indoor, outdoor allergen exposure and other risk factors such as what the house was made of, allergy in family history, pets in the house, smoking, air pollution. At the same time lung function tests were done by body pletysmograph. Additionally skin tests were performed and blood specific IgE and total IgE were measured. Result were analysed by statistical survey on IBM PC by using a specific self developed program. 54% of the investigated children were boys and 46% girls. 89% of the children lived in brick houses, 5% in wattle houses and 2% in block flats. 39% of the children had wall to wall carpets and 82% of them used feather bedclothes. The majority of the families kept animals at home, 78% had dogs, 46% cats, 16% rabbits, 8% parrots and 2% guinea pigs, chaffinches, hamsters and fish in aquarium. 65% of the parents smoke regularly including in their homes. The skin tests were positive in 54% of the cases. Out of this group 27% of the allergies were caused by house dust mite, 21% by grass pollen, 20% by cat fur, 7% by Ragweed. Our results based on test measurement showed 3% of asthma, 3% hay fever and 1% atopic dermatitis prevalence. The indoor factors responsible for the increase in allergic diseases are the following: house dust mite, cat, hobby pets, smoking. Airpolluting substances like ozone, NO2, SO2 increased the number of asthmatic symptoms and blood IgE levels. The identification of factors responsible is a very important task and is essential for effective prevention of allergy and asthma.