Growth retardation is frequently observed in patients with CRI after renal Tx. However, the causes of stunted growth and long-term evolution are not clearly established. We have followed the growth of 26 prepubertal children with CRI after renal Tx and we have correlated it with creatinine clearance rate (CrCl) and the dose of corticoids (Cort) in equivalents of hydrocortisone. Before Tx (6-12 months follow-up), mean ±SD chronological age (CA) was 6.93±2.35 years (y), bone age (BA) 4.86±1.96 y, height SDS - 2.27±1.30. After Tx between 1-2y(n=26), >2-3y(n=22) and >3-5.7y (n=15) follow-up periods: no change in height SDS, in CA-BA difference, in CrCl nor in Cort dose was observed. Changes in height were studied by evaluating ΔSDS. The following groups(Gr) were defined: Gr1 ≥-0.5. Gr2 between -0.5 and 0, Gr3>0 and the distribution of these Δ SDS Gr among the 3 follow-up periods after Tx was evaluated. Between 1-2y, Gr1 was 17.4%, Gr2 43.5% and Gr3 39.1%; between>2-3y, Gr1 was 21.4%, Gr2 52.6% and Gr3 26.3%; and between >3-5.7y, Gr1 was 28.6%, Gr2 42.9% and Gr3 28.6%. These% did not change significantly during follow-up. CrCl was significantly lower and dose of Cort significantly higher in Gr1 as compared to Gr2 and 3 (Cr cl:62.0±16.6, 95.1±35.8 and 108±24.2, Cort: 26.7±6.23, 22.8±4.73 and 21.3±4.44, respectively p<0.05, ANOVA) It is concluded that most prepubertal patients with CRI and long-term follow-up after renal Tx are able to maintain height SDS over pre renal Tx even though a small percentage might improve it. The poor growth of Gr1 is probably related both to low glomerular filtration rate and high cort administration.Footnote 1