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Ultra-high-density spatial division multiplexing with a few-mode multicore fibre


Single-mode fibres with low loss and a large transmission bandwidth are a key enabler for long-haul high-speed optical communication and form the backbone of our information-driven society. However, we are on the verge of reaching the fundamental limit of single-mode fibre transmission capacity. Therefore, a new means to increase the transmission capacity of optical fibre is essential to avoid a capacity crunch. Here, by employing few-mode multicore fibre, compact three-dimensional waveguide multiplexers and energy-efficient frequency-domain multiple-input multiple-output equalization, we demonstrate the viability of spatial multiplexing to reach a data rate of 5.1 Tbit s−1 carrier−1 (net 4 Tbit s−1 carrier−1) on a single wavelength over a single fibre. Furthermore, by combining this approach with wavelength division multiplexing with 50 wavelength carriers on a dense 50 GHz grid, a gross transmission throughput of 255 Tbit s−1 (net 200 Tbit s−1) over a 1 km fibre link is achieved.

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Figure 1: Few-mode multicore fibre characteristics.
Figure 2: FM-MCF WDM/SDM experimental transmission set-up.
Figure 3: Three-dimensional waveguide characteristics.
Figure 4: TDM-SDM receiver characterization.
Figure 5: Transmission results.

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The authors acknowledge partial funding from the European Union Framework 7 MODEGAP project (grant agreement no. 258033). This research was also partially supported by the National Basic Research Programme of China (973; project #2014CB340100). C.M.O. acknowledges funding from the South Korean IT R&D programme of MKE/KIAT (2010-TD-200408-001). E.A.L. acknowledges the Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACyT). The authors thank A. Amezcua Correa and P. Sillard of Prysmian Group and N. Psaila of Optoscribe for discussions.

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R.G.H.v.U. and C.M.O. developed the concept and conducted the transmission experiments. R.A.C., A.S. and G.L. conceived the FM-MCF concept. R.A.C., E.A.L. and A.S. designed and fabricated the hole-assisted FM-MCF. C.X. modelled the fibre. R.G.H.v.U., C.M.O. and F.M.H. designed and characterized the 3D (de)multiplexer. R.G.H.v.U. developed the DSP algorithms. R.G.H.v.U. and C.M.O. designed and verified the TDM-SDM receiver concept. C.M.O., H.d.W. and A.M.J.K. provided overall leadership across all aspects of the work. C.M.O., R.G.H.v.U. and R.A.C. wrote the manuscript.

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Correspondence to R. G. H. van Uden, R. Amezcua Correa or C. M. Okonkwo.

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van Uden, R., Correa, R., Lopez, E. et al. Ultra-high-density spatial division multiplexing with a few-mode multicore fibre. Nature Photon 8, 865–870 (2014).

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