In the June 2012 issue, the article entitled “The vetting process” (Nat. Med. 18, 847–849, 2012) stated that capture myopathy kills up to half of all wildlife brought into captivity. The correct proportion is up to one in ten. The error has been corrected in the PDF and HTML versions of this article.

In the June 2012 issue, the article entitled “The vetting process” (Nat. Med. 18, 847–849, 2012) incorrectly stated that the research techniques designed for freezing, thawing and grafting ovarian tissue for wildlife conservation had helped women give birth to healthy babies after fertility-compromising cancer treatments. These techniques are helping fertility preservation methods but have not been directly applied in human treatments. The error has been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.

In the March 2012 issue, the article entitled “Korea okays stem cell therapies despite limited peer-review data” (Nat. Med. 18, 329, 2012) incorrectly stated that the Hearticellgram-AMI therapy results related to 80 individuals. In fact, the number is 59, and the difference in left ventricular ejection fraction changes between the treatment and control group was statistically significant. Additionally, the information about this therapy was available through poster presentations, not exclusively through press releases by the Korea Food and Drug Administration, as originally stated. The errors have been corrected in the HTML and PDF versions of the article.