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Modifiers of epigenetic reprogramming show paternal effects in the mouse


There is increasing evidence that epigenetic information can be inherited across generations in mammals, despite extensive reprogramming both in the gametes and in the early developing embryo. One corollary to this is that disrupting the establishment of epigenetic state in the gametes of a parent, as a result of heterozygosity for mutations in genes involved in reprogramming, could affect the phenotype of offspring that do not inherit the mutant allele. Here we show that such effects do occur following paternal inheritance in the mouse. We detected changes to transcription and chromosome ploidy in adult animals. Paternal effects of this type have not been reported previously in mammals and suggest that the untransmitted genotype of male parents can influence the phenotype of their offspring.

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Figure 1: Momme D4 is caused by a mutation in Smarca5, which encodes the ISWI chromatin remodeler Snf2h.
Figure 2: Coat-color phenotypes after paternal transmission of Momme D4.
Figure 3: Localization of Snf2h during spermatogenesis.
Figure 4: Momme D2 is caused by a mutation in Dnmt1.
Figure 5: Hypomethylation of the X-linked Hprt CpG island in adult females from Dnmt3l+/− sires.
Figure 6: A single sex chromosome in an adult female from a Dnmt3l+/− sire.
Figure 7: A single sex chromosome in an F1 hybrid embryo from a Dnmt3l+/− sire.

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This study was supported by National Health and Medical Research Council of Australia grants to E.W., D.D.K., H.S., J.M. and M.O'B. and an Australian Research Council grant to S.C. and E.W. M.B., A.A. and N.Z. were supported by Australian Postgraduate Awards. N.V. was supported by an International Postgraduate Award (University of Sydney). N.Y. and E.W. were supported by fellowships from the Queensland Institute of Medical Research.

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Authors and Affiliations



S.C., N.V., A.A., N.Z., N.Y., S.H. and M.B. performed experiments and provided intellectual input. T.S., A.S. and H.S.S. provided backcrossed mice. D.D.K., M.O'B., J.M., H.S.S. and E.W. provided intellectual input. S.C., N.V., A.A., N.Y. and E.W. wrote the manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Emma Whitelaw.

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The authors declare no competing financial interests.

Supplementary information

Supplementary Fig. 1

Homology model of mut-snf2h. (PDF 44 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 2

RNA blot analysis of IAP RNA in Smarca5Momme D4/+ testes. (PDF 59 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 3

DNA methylation analysis of repeats in Dnmt1Momme D2 embryos. (PDF 73 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 4

Methylation at the Mtm1 CpG island in mouse 1 and mouse 2. (PDF 115 kb)

Supplementary Fig. 5

Methylation analysis of DNA from the sperm of Dnmt1Momme D2/+ and Dnmt3l+/− mice. (PDF 120 kb)

Supplementary Table 1

Genes in the Momme D4 linked interval. (PDF 14 kb)

Supplementary Table 2

Smarca5Momme D4 phenotypes. (PDF 29 kb)

Supplementary Table 3

Primers. (PDF 14 kb)

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Chong, S., Vickaryous, N., Ashe, A. et al. Modifiers of epigenetic reprogramming show paternal effects in the mouse. Nat Genet 39, 614–622 (2007).

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