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Rapid Cycling of Plasma Gonadotrophins in Normal Men as demonstrated by Frequent Sampling


HUMAN serum gonadotrophins have been studied and the general monotony of circulating levels encountered in males has been stressed1-3. The question of a possible diurnal variation in gonadotrophin secretion in men has not been settled because of disagreement between authors, even after hourly sampling2, 4–6. The recent report of five to ten peaks of plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) per day in the standing bull during hourly observations7 and the demonstration of the short half-times of circulating human gonadotrophins8,9 have caused us to evaluate the minute-to-minute control of circulating gonadotrophins in men.

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NAFTOLIN, F., YEN, S. & TSAI, C. Rapid Cycling of Plasma Gonadotrophins in Normal Men as demonstrated by Frequent Sampling. Nature New Biology 236, 92–93 (1972).

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