Authors' statement

In Fig. 4c–e, Fig. 6e and Supplementary Information, Fig. S2a, western blot images were inappropriately processed for publication by the first author, M. Sawada. Figures containing the correct images are shown here. The first author did perform these experiments and obtained the results presented here. We re-examined these experiments and confirmed that the observations are entirely reproducible (Tomoyuki Yoshida contributed to the re-examination of these experiments). The figure legends remain unchanged. The conclusions of the article are not affected by this correction.

Editorial statement

After publication of the paper entitled “Ku70 suppresses the apoptotic translocation of Bax to mitochondria”, by Sawada, M., Sun, W., Hayes, P., Leskov, K., Boothman, D.A. & Matsuyama, S. (Nature Cell Biol. 5, 320–329 (2003)), significant image-processing-based modifications to Figs 4c, 4d, 4e, 6e and Supplementary Information Fig. S2a were noted. The corresponding author has undertaken a re-examination of the data in question and submitted the figures published here, which he claims represent the original data. These data have been re-evaluated by independent referees.