Nat. Biotechnol. 22, 1533–1537 (2004)

The title should read, “Role of Toll-like receptors in antisense and siRNA.” The last line of paragraph 3, beginning “This article summarizes present evidence....” should be deleted. In Table 1, superscript 'b' in “Sequencea,b, should be deleted, and superscript 'a' after 3′ in line 3 of that column should be replaced by superscript b. Also in Table 1, in col. 4, line 13, “restinosis” is misspelled; the correct spelling is “restenosis.” In Table 2, footnote a, “From reference 27,” should read “From reference 44.” Reference 1 in the reference list should be deleted and references 2–69 should be renumbered 1–68 to correspond to those in the text.