Papers from the literature selected by the Nature Biotechnology editors. (Follow us on Twitter, @NatureBiotech #nbtHighlight)

De novo design of self-assembling helical protein filaments

Shen, H. et al. Science 362, 705–709 (2018)

High prevalence of Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9-reactive T cells within the adult human population

Wagner, D.L. et al. Nat. Med. (2018)

The opium poppy genome and morphinan production

Guo, L. et al. Science 362, 343–347 (2018)

Pathogen elimination by probiotic Bacillus via signalling interference

Piewngam, P. et al. Nature 562, 532–537 (2018)

Overexpression of Rubisco subunits with RAF1 increases Rubisco content in maize

Salesse-Smith, C.E. et al. Nat. Plants 4, 802–810 (2018)