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  • Experimental Oncology
  • Published:

Expression of members of the myf gene family in human rhabdomyosarcomas


Northern analysis of tumour RNA has been used to examine the expression of members of the myf family of muscle determining genes (myf3, myf4, myf5 and myf6) in a series of 20 rhabdomyosarcomas. A 2.0 kb myf3 transcript was observed in 85% of tumours, a 1.8 kb myf4 transcript was detected in 70% of tumours and a 1.7 kb myf5 transcript was observed in 55% of tumours. Transcription of myf6 occurred in 28% of tumours, but there were several transcript sizes (1.2, 1.5, 2.0 and 3.5 kb) and in some individual tumours two or more transcripts were observed. Only two rhabdomyosarcomas, one classified as embryonal and one as pleomorphic, failed to exhibit transcription of members of the myf gene family. We were unable to detect transcription of myf genes in neuroblastomas, Wilms' tumours, hepatoblastomas, paediatric non-Hodgkin's lymphoma and leiomyosarcomas. When considered together these observations suggest that expression of myf genes could provide an extremely useful marker in the diagnosis of rhabdomyosarcoma.

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Clark, J., Rocques, P., Braun, T. et al. Expression of members of the myf gene family in human rhabdomyosarcomas. Br J Cancer 64, 1039–1042 (1991).

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