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Biological effects of tremolite


Tremolite is an amphibole which has been implicated in a variety of disease patterns in different parts of the world. It occurs in a number of phases, which are chemically identical but have specific physical characteristics. In an attempt to clarify the epidemiological findings, tremolite fibres of 3 specific forms--A, B and C--were characterized and studied for biological activity by: (i) in vivo intrapleural injection of rats (2 separate experiments--1 with poor survival). (ii) in vitro enzyme release from mouse peritoneal macrophages (iii) in vitro giant-cell formation in A549 cultures (iv) in vitro cytotoxicity for V79-4 cells. Sample C, which contained more long thin fibres than A and B, was alone in producing mesotheliomas. C, but not A or B, induced LDH and B-glucuronidase enzyme release, and induced giant cells. A was not cytotoxic, B moderately cytotoxic and C as highly cytotoxic as UICC crocidolite. The in vivo studies were marred by being split between 2 experiments, of which the second had poor survival. We are aware of the weakness of our in vivo data, but as Tremolite C was being considered for commercial use on the European market we felt it timely to submit our findings for publication.

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Wagner, J., Chamberlain, M., Brown, R. et al. Biological effects of tremolite. Br J Cancer 45, 352–360 (1982).

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