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Three years' experience with Ch1VPP (a combination of drugs of low toxicity) for the treatment of Hodgkin's disease


In 3 years, 118 patients with Hodgkin's disease have completed chemotherapy with chlorambucil, vinblastine, procarbazine and prednisolone (Ch1VPP). The complete remission rates were 90% for 29 patients previously treated with radiotherapy, 67% for 73 patients previously untreated and 44% for 16 patients with prior chemotherapy. The 3-year survival rates for the first 70 patients in the series were 83% for previously irradiated patients, 84% for previously untreated patients and 67% for those with prior chemotherapy. Forty-seven previously untreated or previously irradiated patients in this group achieved complete remission. The 3-year disease-free survival rates for these patients were 71% and 67% respectively. This regimen gives complete remission and survival rates comparable with results obtained with combinations including nitrogen mustard, while producing fewer side-effects.

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Kaye, S., Juttner, C., Smith, I. et al. Three years' experience with Ch1VPP (a combination of drugs of low toxicity) for the treatment of Hodgkin's disease. Br J Cancer 39, 168–174 (1979).

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