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  • Original Article
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Investigation of time-gap formulae on the CRE system using mouse tissue as a biological model


The cumulative radiation effect (CRE) is one of several empirical scalar descriptions of biological effect which enable corrections to be made for gaps in radiotherapy treatment. Predictions of this theory were tested using mouse crypt regeneration and mouse skin as biological models. These experimental results are discussed in terms of the dependence of tissue regeneration potential during a gap on the biological effect achieved before the gap, and on gap length. A hypothesis is proposed to reconcile the apparent conflict between the two experiments. While the simple exponential gap formulation of the CRE is seen to be inadequate, insufficient data are available at present to modify it.

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Perry, A., Hamlet, R. & Kirk, J. Investigation of time-gap formulae on the CRE system using mouse tissue as a biological model. Br J Cancer 40, 649–657 (1979).

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