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Studies on the humoral regulation of granulopoiesis in leukaemic RFM mice


Intraperitoneal diffusion chambers have been used to investigate changes in humoral factors during the development of myeloid leukaemia in mice. Normal mouse bone marrow cells form colonies of granulocytes and macrophages when cultured in semi-solid agar medium within intraperitoneal diffusion chambers. The use of mice bearing transplanted myeloid leukaemia as Agar Diffusion Chamber (ADC) hosts enhances colony formation from normal marrow. The humoral basis for this stimulation has been shown by the colony stimulating activity of the fluid entering the diffusion chambers when assayed against normal mouse bone marrow cells in agar culture in vitro. The stimulus to colony growth in ADCs and the in vitro colony stimulating activity depend on the phase in the development of the leukaemia investigated, and the stimulation was abolished by splenectomy. There was no apparent relationship between the growth of the leukaemic cell population in vivo and the level of the stimulating factor detected in leukaemic mice.

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Gordon, M., Lindop, P. Studies on the humoral regulation of granulopoiesis in leukaemic RFM mice. Br J Cancer 32, 186–192 (1975).

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