Visiting the dentist can often be a stressful experience and many patients suffer simply because there is not much to do other than focus on treatment that they anticipate may be painful. Helping patients to focus away from their treatment to a pleasurable experience can pay off for both dentist and patient.

Now relaxView B.V. has assembled a patient distraction package exclusively for the dental market that suits the needs of patients and dentists. The package includes the latest premium video glasses together with a portable DVD player, model Discman and disposable hygiene set, making the surgery a more relaxed place to be.

The new generation video eyewear has a modernised look and is smaller and less bulky, allowing the dentist to work without the patient's eyewear becoming an obstacle. The patient can still make eye contact with the dentist by focusing their eyes about the video screen and this, together with the adjustable volume level, ensures that communication between dentist and patient can be maintained.

relaxView B.V. is a leading provider of high-quality video eyewear solutions. For more information visit

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