BioRepair from BlanX features microrepair science that actually penetrates and repairs microscopic holes in the tooth's enamel. Bio-active microcrystals bond with the teeth's natural dentine and form a protective layer over nerve endings within the teeth. BioRepair's formula allows you to repair daily wear caused by the acid in plaque, food and drink, before it can lead to decay.

Tooth enamel does not contain living cells and is not capable of regenerating. Therefore, any damage caused is irreversible. However, the hydroxyapatite microcrystals contained in BioRepair are virtually identical in chemical composition to the hydroxyapatite mineral that makes up dentine and tooth enamel.

The microcrystals can penetrate into the smallest cracks and flaws in teeth, where they dissolve and bind into the structure of the enamel and dentine to remineralise and repair the teeth.

This ability to remineralise hard tissues has an impact on several disorders. It can prevent cavities by filling lesions as well as protecting against sensitivity caused by erosion by covering over dentinal tubules. The apatite in the crystals can also absorb sulphate compounds such as H2S, which is responsible for halitosis.

The BioRepair from BlanX range includes Total Protection Toothpaste and Sensitivity Control Toothpaste.

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