Allan Thom

The British Orthodontic Society has won the bid to host the eighth meeting of the World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) in the UK in 2015. The news is a major coup for the BOS as well as for London, which is likely to welcome in the region of 10,000 orthodontists from around the world for the event.

The WFO consists of 105 organisations from 100 countries as well as 6,500 individual orthodontists who have become WFO Fellows. The international meeting takes place every five years and the next one is in Sydney in 2010.

London was chosen over Barcelona, Toronto and Mexico City at the American Association of Orthodontists meeting in Seattle last month. British orthodontist Allan Thom, who is on the WFO Executive Committee representing Europe, paid tribute to Jonathan Sandler, who is the UK member of the Council of the WFO and having led the bid for BOS, is now Chairman of the Eighth International Conference. He said, 'I am absolutely thrilled that we have won although I appreciate the enormity of the task ahead. With the help and co-operation of my able and willing team in the UK and friends around the world I hope to make this event a fantastic success.'