Kalyani was born with a complex facial cleft in central India, which resulted in two large ridges on her forehead, a limited nose and eyes significantly displaced. She is pictured here post-op.

The British Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry's (BACD) charitable foundation 'Smiling for the World' is helping children living with facial disfigurement. It has selected children's charity 'Facing the World' as the primary focus of its support. BACD volunteer members waived their fees to carry out tooth whitening with kits donated by Discus Dental and patients undergoing tooth whitening were then able to contribute their treatment costs directly to the charity.

'Facing the World' is an inspirational charity that offers hope to children in the developing world who are born with severe facial disfigurements. The charity gives these children a chance to receive the miracle of a new face and a life free from stigma in some of the world's poorest countries.

Although BACD has been pleased with the support and donations received so far, their target is to raise £100,000 for the vital work of this charity. If only one third of BACD's 620 members signs up then they can meet this target. For more information please contact the BACD on 0208 241 8526, email info@bacd.com or visit www.bacd.com or www.facingtheworld.net.