Sir, I am writing to you after considerable correspondence with:

  1. 1

    Rosie Winterton (useless)

  2. 2

    Business Services Department (helpful);

  3. 3

    Chief Dental Officer (evasive in this matter).

During the 'trial year' any claim including an extraction or a filling was counted as 3 UDAs. Now we are asked to only claim 1.2 for urgent cases of filling or extraction.

In a practice like mine with long established patients, often treatment due to a chipped tooth or a broken filling is needed on an occasional basis ie between examination visits.

Statistically each time I charge band 1.2 for a filling or extraction, I am losing 1.8 UDAs according to the trial year calculations.

I have asked for this matter to be put before the Implementation Group; I am told it has been. If no action is taken this means the fraudulent calculations are being left uncorrected.

This matter would go some way to explaining why some practitioners are having difficulty attaining their set UDAs.

I have very considerable correspondence to back up this letter. I am thoroughly fed up with a number of aspects of GDS but this is fraud.