Seven secrets of a healthy and attractive mouth

  • O. Lawson
UK: Author House price £5.75; pp 47 ISBN 9781425994754 | ISBN: 978-1-4259-9475-4

This book has echoes of Covey's The seven habits of highly effective people; as with the seven habits, the seven secrets sound simple but are difficult to apply. It is no secret that behaviour change is a complex process involving many steps and that being let in on the secrets of a healthy mouth will not in itself develop a 'beautiful smile'. That said, this is a wonderfully simple book containing a wealth of information in very accessible language.

The book addresses most things the public would like to know about in one slim volume of 47 pages which can be read from cover to cover in about one hour. The seven secrets are revealed in seven chapters dealing with knowing your mouth (anatomy); functions of your mouth; changes that can take place; what to avoid; healthy eating; visiting the dentist and self care. Visiting the dentist provides a brief explanation of all of the more common dental procedures in very concise and clear language. Self care guides the reader through the types of products available and when to use them; it also deals with halitosis and includes a clear description of how to deal with an avulsed tooth. It sacrifices detail for simplicity, for example the description of flossing is unlikely to guide a good technique. However, the author does advise consulting a dentist or hygienist regarding technique. The section on toothpaste is also very superficial but the depth is in keeping with the style of the book. In a publication of this nature brevity and simplicity are the challenge and the type of simplicity seen here can be difficult to achieve.

I was surprised not to find pictures or illustrations; the glossy cover seems to promise a more elaborate presentation. On the other hand it complies with the principles of good communication: the margins are broad, the text is large, the language is simple, the author avoids the use of jargon and the text is presented in the first person. Each chapter commences with an entertaining anecdote and ends with key points.

This book provides a balanced source of information for young and old alike – it has none of the biases of much of the oral health promotion material produced for advertising oral health products – its sole interest is the promotion of a healthy attractive mouth. This would be a useful publication for any waiting room.