
Wyatt CCL, Maupome G et al. Caries Res 2007; 41: 93–101

Caries, both coronal and root surface, may still be a problem in older adults and this study explored the possibility of reducing it with a CHX rinse. In Seattle and Vancouver, 1101 subjects aged 60-75 yrs were enrolled in a trial of 0.12% CHX used daily for 1 month, with weekly rinsing for 5 months, repeated every 6 months for 5 yrs.

Annual coronal caries incidence rate in the CHX group was 1.98 per 100 surfaces, and 2.24 for control surfaces. Respective root caries incidence rates were 3.01 and 3.28. The differences were not significant at the 5% level. The authors conclude that the preventive regime used in the study was not effective, and recommend studies of other methods.