Correction for “Family reunion of nuclear hormone receptors: structures, diseases, and drug discovery” by H Eric XU, which appeared in issue 1, 2015, of Acta Pharmacol Sin (36: 1–2; doi: 10.1038/aps.2014.140).

A clerical error was found in the last paragraph of the editorial.

“Following the recent technological advances in system biology, high-through-put sequencing, proteomics, and RNA biology, the field of GPCRs is posited for a new phase of exciting progresses.”

GPCR” must be changed to “nuclear receptors”.

The correct expression is

“Following the recent technological advances in system biology, high-through-put sequencing, proteomics, and RNA biology, the field of nuclear receptors is posited for a new phase of exciting progresses.”

The author is sorry for the error.