Like other leading journals, Nature has in recent months been considering a change in editorial policy, requiring that high-resolution structural coordinate data be made freely available at the time of publication, rather than allowing the option of a one-year hold on such release (see Nature 391, 617; 1998). It is clear that there is a significant majority opinion in the community against permitting a one-year hold. Accordingly, Nature, simultaneously with Science, is changing its policy. Any paper containing new structural data received on or after 1 October 1998 will not be accepted without an accession number from the Brookhaven Protein Data Bank (PDB) accompanied by an assurance that unrestricted (“layer-1”) release will occur at or before the time of publication (see April 1998 PDB Newsletter at We will undertake to notify the PDB ahead of publication to ensure that the data are unlocked on the appropriate date.

Philip Campbell Editor, Nature