If you've just published in Nature and are burning to tell the world about your new work, consider giving a virtual talk. We are looking to try out some events in our amphitheatre and meeting area, Second Nature — an 'island' that is part of the growing online virtual world called Second Life (http://www.secondlife.com).

Several events have already been held in Second Life. Eric Chaisson, director of the Wright Center for Science Education at Tufts University in Medford, Massachusetts, and author of the book Hubble Wars, spoke about his work and answered questions from the audience. And Kevin Warwick, a professor of cybernetics at the University of Reading, UK, gave a talk entitled “Upgrading Humans: Why not?”

If you are interested in trying out a talk, presentation or question and answer seminar in this innovative format, register your interest by commenting at Nautilus http://blogs.nature.com/nautilus/2007/05/woudl_you_like_to_give_a_talk.html or send an e-mail to authors@nature.com. Or, if you are already a Second Life resident, contact Joanna Wombat in Second Nature.