‘Sex-linkage of two enzyme loci in Oncorhynchus mykiss (rainbow trout)’ by Fred W. Allendorf, William A. Gellman and Gary H. Thorgaard (Heredity, 72, 498–507, May 1994)

This article was based partially on data presented in the following thesis, a citation for which was omitted from the published article:

‘Space-time patterns of genetic structure within a stand of Androcymbium gramineum (Cav.) McBride (Colchicaceae)’ by Juli Caujapé-Castells and Joan Pedrola-Monfort (Heredity, 79, 341–349, October 1997)

In the acknowledgements on p.348, the code of the first research project that supported the research should have read PB 93-1223 instead of P13 93-1223.