Fundamentals of operative dentistry

  • J. B. Summit,
  • J. W. Robbins,
  • T. J. Hilton &
  • R. S. Schwartz
, UK: Quintessence pp 394 ISBN 0867154527 | ISBN: 0-867-15452-7

This book is intended to be an in-depth reference work on contemporary practical operative dentistry, and as such has much to commend it. The authors aim to present a mix of traditional time proven methods together with modern clinical developments, and broadly succeed in this task. However, the content gives an impression of being slightly at odds with the title. Rather than a truly contemporary integrated approach to operative dentistry, the book's format and content is that of a more traditional text, with added sections of more modern relevance.

Overall the book is presented with a well ordered structure, and each chapter has a clearly defined field of reference. The sections begin with an in depth overview of the biological considerations underpinning operative dentistry, and progress logically through evaluation and clinical management before describing aspects of clinical care. Coverage of the field is exhaustive, including new adhesive techniques and tooth whitening, but some older procedures described in detail have less relevance to contemporary practice. Indeed, much space is devoted to techniques that have changed little in decades. Whilst this is not inappropriate, in some sections the inclusion of such procedures gives an old fashioned tone to the content, and this is where this book misses the opportunity to be truly modern.

Despite this, the subject matter is presented logically and clearly and all techniques are given a clear supporting background of both science and contributors' experience. The section on bonding to enamel and dentine is particularly worthy of note, as are the chapters devoted to composite resin restorations and anterior ceramic reconstructions. Illustrations are plentiful, appropriate, and of overall excellent quality, though there are many black and white clinical photographs which would have been clearer if presented in colour. The text is clear, delivered in an easily read style, and extensively referenced.

This is a valuable technical reference work, but there is much that could be omitted so that the content matches the philosophy of the title. The overall approach to operative dentistry is broadly mechanistic and many procedures described are of more historical interest rather than appropriate to current practice. As a manual of operative techniques it is a worthwhile resource, but rather than a truly contemporary review of the subject, it is grounded firmly in an established procedural approach to clinical matters. Nonetheless, this detracts little from the overall value of this edition as an excellent reference text.