Bite to byte

  • P. Lewin
UK: Parrel Press price £14.99, pp 370 ISBN 0955042003 | ISBN: 0-955-04200-3

This book is an interesting mix of case histories that help to map the progression of forensic dentistry into the realms of tool mark work — with a splash of humour from the author to lighten those darker moments.

It is not intended as a 'how to do' manual, but tracks the development of bite mark analysis from the subjective direct tracings of the biting edges of the teeth of a potential biter to the more objective, reliable and reproducible computer-generated overlays. It is then a short hop to adapt this technique to other patterned injuries. However, getting this evidence accepted in the courts proved to be an epic battle and required teamwork from David Lewin (forensic dentist and husband to the author) and Mrs Lewin.

It is also a personal look at some of the milestones encountered along the way by David Lewin and covers some of the most well known cases that he has assisted, including identifications in the Newall murders in Jersey and bites by politician Alan Clark's dog. Each case is carefully described and researched to give the reader fascinating insight into the unfolding case, complete with characters and court proceedings along with the relevance of the dental procedures. However, no dental degree or computer qualification is necessary to enjoy the book.

It is a most interesting read and is suitable for all those interested or involved in the forensic world — a mixture of scientific technique, forensic dental history, personal achievement and reflection. Although over 300 pages, it is definitely something to get your teeth into (sorry!).