
Leichter JW, Monteith BD Dent Traumatol 2006; 22: 7–13

Numerous reports have highlighted the adverse effects of wearing ornaments in lip piercing sites. In this New Zealand study, lower central incisors in 91 individuals (mean age 25.1 yrs) with lower lip labio-mental groove piercing and wearing a jewellery stud (labret) were compared with those in 54 matched controls (25.8 yrs). However, 46% of the pierced group were smokers, as opposed to 19% of controls.

A history of orthodontic treatment was given by 23% of pierced subjects and 26% of controls. In controls, all recession was limited to Miller class I, affecting 20%. In the pierced group, 51% had Miller class I recession, 18% class II and 1%, class III. In a regression model including smoking and orthodontics, piercing status was the sole significant predictor of recession (P<0.001). Piercing elsewhere also was significantly associated with recession.