The UK's largest oral health charity is warning patients to think carefully before travelling abroad for dental treatment. The British Dental Health Foundation (BDHF) fears that the current controversy surrounding UK dentistry is leading to drastic action among patients, with more and more travelling abroad to countries such as Hungary to undertake treatment.

The charity's Chief Executive, Dr Nigel Carter, said 'With all the stories in the press focusing on a crisis in UK dentistry it seems that many people are losing faith in the system and looking abroad for cheaper prices. However, before rushing into something as drastic as that, it is important to give careful consideration to the possible risks.'

Dr Carter stressed that patients should consider what they will do if something were to go wrong. 'Even something minor, like adjusting a crown, would require an expensive and probably very inconvenient return flight.' he said. 'Then there is the question of what rights you have as a patient.'

Instead of rushing abroad for treatment, Dr Carter suggests that people shop around a little in their local area first, as they may find that private treatment is not as expensive as they first feared.