The BDA has deferred a decision on whether or not to join the Government's implementation group set up to monitor the impact of the changes to NHS dentistry. Lester Ellman, Chair of the BDA's General Dental Practice Committee, has written to Health Minister Rosie Winterton saying he needs more information about the group's remit and what membership will involve.

In a letter to the Minister, Dr Ellman pointed out that the BDA had already called for a review of the new contract and underlined that it was vital for both patients and dentists that the impact of the changes is properly monitored and understood. He continued 'We need to be convinced that the implementation group will provide genuine opportunities to tackle the problems that we believe the new arrangements will cause for patients and dentists.'

Rosie Winterton announced the setting up of the implementation group on 7 March, in response to concerns about the new dental contracts. Dr Ellman also stated in the letter, 'We need to be assured that our membership of this group will not be presented as an endorsement of the Government's reform programme. The BDA has grave concerns about the new contract itself and the way it is being introduced.'