Research conducted by the BBC suggests that getting dental treatment on the NHS may become even more difficult because of the new contract. Of the 300 dentists who replied to the World at One poll, a quarter said they would not sign up to the new contract. The BBC said that if the results were replicated across the country, it would mean that over 137,000 patients might have to go private, or find another NHS dentist. The survey also found that although half the dentists said they would sign, they would do so with 'deep misgivings about the future.'

A practice manager in Swindon told the BBC: 'It is my belief that the government are trying to do away altogether with NHS dental care but rather than admit to this, they are making it look like the dentist is wishing to go private by choice due to financial gain. We have the ability and capability to take on at least 10,000 more NHS patients, but are unable to do so because there is no funding.'