
Mettovaara H-L, Suominen-Taipale A-L et al. J Clin Periodontol 2006; 33: 21–28

Cynical hostility is described as a lack of confidence in, or bitterness with, other people; subjects with this trait may be incapable of expressing adequate anger, and may have a poor lifestyle. In this study, questionnaires and oral health examinations were completed by 4,156 subjects out of a national Finnish sample of 8,028.

A number of factors were correlated with greater frequency of tooth brushing and higher level of oral hygiene, including female gender, higher educational achievement, non-smoking, regular dental attendance, and a lower level of cynical hostility. When the relationship of the highest level of cynical hostility to tooth brushing frequency was taken as unity, the cumulative OR for the lowest level of cynical hostility was 2.6 (CI 2.0-3.2), and in relation to the level of oral hygiene, it was 2.0 (1.6-2.4). The authors concluded that the trait was a marker of the frequency and quality of toothbrushing.