In 2001 Saraya Broadhurst went missing from her home in Torquay, Devon. On 7 November 2005, following information from local residents, an excavation was conducted at the address from which Saraya went missing. Human remains of a white female were discovered buried in the garden. Badly decomposed, the only way to identify the human remains was through dental records. The Devon and Cornwall Constabulary suspected that the remains were Saraya's but were unable to trace her dental records.

Detective Sergeant Ivor Lloyd asked the BDJ to put an appeal in the news pages of the journal. Within two days of publication (in December 2005), a dentist from north London contacted the enquiry team in Torquay, saying that they had Saraya's dental records. As a result Saraya was formally identified and a suspect charged. Detective Lloyd thanked the BDJ for their assistance with the investigation.